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发布时间:2018-10-17 12:05:10 所属栏目:业界 来源:21ic电子网
导读:【51CTO技术沙龙】10月27日,让我们共同探索AI场景化应用实现之道 刚从硬件跳槽为嵌软时,没有任何一丝的准备。一入职,领导就交代了一项特难的任务在stm32上移植linux! 瞬间我就懵了,没办法硬着头皮上吧,先搜集资料,我之前跑的是ok6410的板子上运行的li

One significant advantage of the configuration file method is that any regular user can create one, specifying ownership and permissions and the creation of device nodes in initramfs, without any special permissions on the build system. Creating a cpio archive using the cpio command line tool, or pointing the kernel build at a directory, requires a directory that contains everything initramfs will contain. The configuration file method merely requires a few source files to get data from, and a description file.

This also comes in handy cross-compiling from other environments such as cygwin, where the local filesystem may not even be capable of reproducing everything initramfs should have in it.



