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SQL 已死,NoSQL才是王道?醒醒吧,别瞎说八道了

发布时间:2019-11-11 21:47:15 所属栏目:移动互联 来源:SQL大数据专列
导读:乱象 当今数据库供应商风头正茂的,要数这三家公司,Amazon, Google, Microsoft. 没错,他们都是云计算提供者。火热的三款看家产品分别是: Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL. A厂CTO说,AWS最火的产品是什么呢?是 Aurora 数

上面的 ElasticSearch, MongoDB给我们的感觉都很棒,全文搜索极快,日志存储不费劲,但要去拿起来用,你得好好的去顺顺他们的脾气,要不就给你枣子吃。就如现在很多年轻人,做事情是要哄着做,哪像那些无产阶级革命前辈,都是抢着做。

如果说 OLTP 产品,我们摸索一下 Redis, MongoDB, Kafka 也就算了,能忍就忍吧,毕竟一次投入,永久使用。但 OLAP 产品,Impala, Hive, Presto, Kylin 等都互不连通,还要整一套 ETL 来打通,这谁的脾气能好咯。我做一个报表,还要用 Spark 去每家每户报信,搞不好哪家那天脾气特别大,不待见,数据都取不出来。典型的就是 JOIN 信使,经常吃闭门羹。

当然,被群众(市场)教训过后,年轻人也开始反思。Cloudera 与 Hortonworks 就是典型代表,他俩选择联起手来一块干点事儿。推出了 SQL 级的方言,用来封装自己复杂的外表,原理就是 SQL ON Hadoop.

Hadoop 负责存储,而 SQL 负责计算,存储引擎与计算引擎分离开来,拉拢了不少 SQL 群众,开始铺设广泛的群众基础。


第一次小弟们像大佬妥协,就是推出自己的 SQL-On-Hadoop 产品。虽然嘴上说着是 Not Only SQL, 那也不过是年轻人在坚持他们最后的傲娇而已。

接着,历史又再一次重演。只要一个现象被认可,一群现象就跟风而来。H-Store, Spanner, CockroachDB. 最出众的还要数 Postgre, 在历经关系数据库,NoSQL之后,劲在旁边捡漏,好东西都往自己身上加。像 Json, FullText Search, MPP, JIT 等特性。

当然,整个历史的转变,总要有人总结陈词。NoSQL的运动者是谁?还记得嘛。没错就是 Google 的三驾马车。那么终结它也只能由Google来官宣。搬起石头砸自己的脚,疼不您咧?

看下 G 厂在2017年的 Spanner 论文中怎么说的:

  • “While these systems provided some of the benefits of a database system, they lacked many traditional database features that application developers often rely on. A key example is a robust query language, meaning that developers had to write complex code to process and aggregate the data in their applications. As a result, we decided to turn Spanner into a full featured SQL system, with query execution tightly integrated with the other architectural features of Spanner (such as strong consistency and global replication).”
  • The original API of Spanner provided NoSQL methods for point lookups and range scans of individual and interleaved tables. While NoSQL methods provided a simple path to launching Spanner, and continue to be useful in simple retrieval scenarios, SQL has provided significant additional value in expressing more complex data access patterns and pushing computation to the data.
  • Spanner’s SQL engine shares a common SQL dialect, called “Standard SQL”, with several other systems at Google including internal systems such as F1 and Dremel (among others), and external systems such as BigQuery…
  • For users within Google, this lowers the barrier of working across the systems. A developer or data analyst who writes SQL against a Spanner database can transfer their understanding of the language to Dremel without concern over subtle differences in syntax, NULL handling, etc.

那我来精简一下,“我们 Google 要从 Nosql 转到 SQL 阵营来,SQL 即将成为一切数据访问的基础,就酱”


  1. 分分钟解决 MySQL 查询速度慢与性能差
  2. SQL查询语句的执行顺序解析
  3. 微软SQL Server 2019 全新发布,内容亮点都在这里了
  4. 完整的数据库MySQL规范
  5. MySQL数据库基本增删改查操作总结
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